Escape Plan, published by Eagle-Gryphon Games. Excellent game where players spend three days post-heist to gather the money they’ve stored throughout the city and then try to make their exit on day 3 (no sooner). The money is tight and the stress is real.
I knew there had to be lasers. And I wanted a bunch of ‘em, too. Problem was, I only had one laser pointer. Duplication needed, mirrors introduced. Set up wasn’t too bad but getting everything right, from the long exposure to the precise amount of light hitting the meeples took hours. Move this, tweak that, change up shutter speed. In the end, I got a shot I was happy with. Looking back on it two years later, I really like the outcome. Art is a funny thing. I cannot finish a photo and look at it objectively: too many feelings at the moment and a general exhaustion from pouring so much time and effort into a photo.
Here are a few alternate photos from the evening that I also enjoyed but for one reason or another did not choose as the final.